A Tribute to Special Moms

A Tribute to Special Moms

9 May 2019

This is how the fairy tale goes, right? Grow up, get married, have babies. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone.

If you’ve given up hope with fertility and life without kids is not an option, the fairy tale needn’t end here. When it becomes more about being a parent than getting pregnant – when you’ve crossed that bridge – you might consider becoming a parent to one of the more than 500 000 children in South Africa in desperate need of a loving family.

Where do you start? The only way to legally adopt a child in South Africa is by working through an accredited adoption agency, or with the assistance of an adoption social worker functioning within the statutory adoption system. Make sure to contact the National Adoption Coalition for a list of reputable social workers and agencies.

There will be a comprehensive screening process which involves interviews, medical examinations, marriage and psychological assessments, home visits and police clearances; to name but a few. Also, the cost of an adoption could vary between R12 000 to R28 000, or even up to R60 000 if the adoptive parents are paying for the medical expenses of the birth. Let’s face it, the process of adopting a child comes with its own unique challenges, but when your baby looks into your eyes and smiles for the first time, it will be all worth it!

So, as we get ready to celebrate moms everywhere this Mother’s Day, we would like to pay tribute to “the other mothers”; the brave, strong, selfless women who gave their babies up for adoption.

Giving up a baby comes with many emotions. Society gives a lot of credit to parents who choose to adopt children, and rightfully so. Parenting is a huge responsibility for adoptive parents – it is also a huge honour. However, it is so important to remember that birth moms have made one of the most selfless decisions; they have decided to give up the child they’ve carried for nine months so that he/she could have a better life.

So, to all birth moms out there, we know that your path was no doubt a painful and difficult one. Thank you for making the choice to give life. Because of you, a woman who longed to be a mother, was given the opportunity, despite the odds against her. We admire your strength and your courage to recognise that you were unable to raise your child and to make an adoption plan. Thank you for putting your child’s needs above your own.

Remember birth mom, adoption is not abandoning. Adoption is a choice. It was your choice and we are so thankful for that. Due to the magnitude of your gift, you’ve changed someone’s life profoundly.

Let’s all remember the women who have enabled so many to become mothers.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful moms out there!

Source: www.babygaga.com, www.livingandloving.co.za, www.baby2mom.co.za, www.health24.com, www.adoptimist.com, gtdd.com, glamour.co.za, traceymatthews.com, www.myjoyfilledlife.com, www.travelground.com, www.parents.com, www.longislandpress.com, metro.co.uk, www.bustle.com, www.mommymoment.ca, hellojoburg.co.za, www.pantograph.com, www.nhs.uk, www.moneybags.co.za, www.allforwomen.co.za, adoption.org.za, www.telegraph.co.uk, www.webmd.com, www.cbsnews.com, www.cosmopolitan.com, www.quora.com, www.familylives.org.uk, www.westerncape.gov.za, becomingamom.co.za, www.life.co.za

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