Everyone has the occasional “senior moment” where you can’t find your car keys or forget what’s on your grocery list, right? The good news is that it’s completely normal.
Sure, like other parts of your body your brain may lose some agility as you get older, but it’s not all doom and gloom. Our ideas about ageing seem to be stuck somewhere in the middle of the 20th century. We still consider 65 as standard retirement age, and we expect everyone to start slowing down and moving aside for the next generation. However, society has to catch up, 50 is the new 30 and 70 is the new 50.
Heck, Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States of America at the age of 70! Whether you like him or not, it’s pretty impressive.
Mental decline is one of the most feared consequences of ageing, but cognitive impairment is not inevitable. According to a study published in the journal Neurology, being in better shape as a young adult may help to preserve your memory and brain power 25 years later.
So, what can you do right now to stay on top of your mental game? We have a few tips on how to stay smart, sharp and focused:
- Mix things up. Researchers at Duke University created exercises they call “neurobics” which challenge your brain to think in different ways. If you’re right handed, try using your left hand, close your eyes when you taste food, or drive to work using a different route.
- Physical activity pumps more blood throughout the body, including to the brain. More blood means more oxygen, and therefore, better nourished brain tissue.
- Follow the MIND diet. Follow a Mediterranean diet rich in fish, nuts, whole grains and an abundance of fresh produce, as well as good fats. Also, treat yourself to a glass of red wine. Red wine contains a compound called resveratrol, which recent research shows may help with the build-up of plaque. Brain plaque causes the breakdown in communication in neurons.
- Have buddies. Strong social ties have been associated with a lower risk of dementia, as well as lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy.
- Grab the joystick. Playing video games stimulates the part of the brain that control movement, memory, planning, and fine motor skills; why let the kids have all the fun, right? Also do crossword puzzles, try your hand at Sudoku, or take a class.
- Limit sugar. Sugars, refined carbohydrates and saturated fats mess with insulin levels in the brain, wreaking havoc on your memory.
- Manage stress. Take deep breaths, listen to music, or find something to make you laugh.
- Get enough sleep. Enough zzz’s will prime your brain for optimal memory retention.
So, be smart and start boosting your brainpower today. After all, getting older is not about adding years to your life, it’s about adding life to your years.
Source: www.health.harvard.edu, www.aplaceformom.com, www.mindbodygreen.com, www.webmd.com, www.womanshealthmag.com, www.womansday.com, www.askmen.com, www.success.com, www.foxnews.com, www.sharecare.com, www.dummies.com, www.alz.org, www.mayoclinic.org, www.oprah.com