Have your sexual encounters become a series of, well, quickies? Does kiss-kiss, wham-bam and Zzz, sound familiar?
Truth is, our appetites for sex grow and shrink, and couples need to manage those ups and downs. In the beginning the two of you couldn’t keep your hands off each other, right? But, somewhere along the line, life happens, and romance and sex are replaced by realities.
Sure, it’s certainly possible for a couple to be married for 20 years, and to have great (and regular!) sex, but research shows that after 5 or 10 years of marriage; although you may have a great partner, you might not feel super excited anymore. Couples become so caught up in their domestic personas that they see each other differently than “BK” – Before Kids.
Here’s the thing, we get it, there are many reasons why people in long-term relationships lose their mojo and find themselves reaching for the pillow instead of their partner’s body after the sun goes down. But we need to ditch the myth that sex should always be spontaneous. Like any other aspect of a healthy relationship, good sex is work people! Put sex on “project status” and make a conscious decision to move it high on your priority list.
If your relationship lacks fireworks, try one (or more!) of the following tips:
Wear pretty panties and match the bra! Get rid of the granny panties today and parade around the bedroom so your partner knows what’s underneath the clothes today.
Move great smelling colognes and lotions into your bathroom and bedroom. Essential oils will boost your libido and will make you feel sexy. Also, pamper your body so your spouse can enjoy it.
Shower together. Save water and lather up. Win-win!
Change your look. Try a new hairstyle, or for the guys, grow a beard.
Shave! That goes for both sexes – a little landscaping never hurt anyone.
Whisper. Even if it’s “I’ve missed you today.” There’s something ever-so-sexy about whispering.
Kiss more.
Put away the yoga pants. Get your glam on, slap on a skirt and some lipstick.
Get in touch with your own sexuality. Put things in place so you’ll be frisky later! Read an erotic novel or watch a sexy movie to get you in the mood.
Date your baby daddy.
Sleep naked. Take your clothes off and just touch each other. Feel the evidence of going to the gym and breathe him/her in.
Make time for daytime sex. After a long day, who isn’t tired? We get it.
Go away for a weekend. If you can sucker someone into watching your kids for 24 hours, DO IT!
Talk about books. No, seriously! You’ll suddenly remember how irresistibly smart and curious your partner is.
Write an old-school love letter. A lack of sex may be the result of all the non-sex things you’re not doing. Make sure your partner knows how much you appreciate and love him/her, and how this love makes you happy and means everything to you.
Sext him/her. Let’s be real, we’re constantly on our phones; take a minute to send a love message. Genius? I thought so.
Remember, enjoying a healthy sex life is one of the great joys in life.
So, keep calm and carry on (ahem) get it on!
Source: tolovehonorandvacuum.com, www.dailymail.co.uk, www.foxnews.com, www.huffingtonpost.com, www.today.com, familyshare.com, mylifesuckers.com, zapinterest.com, www.happywivesclub.com, thesoccermomblog.com, thoughtcatalog.com, www.mirror.co.uk, www.drphil.com, www.thelaundrymoms.com, www.cheatsheet.com, greatest.com, www.losethebackpain.com, www.mensfitness.com, www.psychologytody.com, edition.cnn.com, www.fitnessmagazine.com, www.everydayhealth.com, www.webmd.com, www.bustle.com