Welcome back everyone! Happy New Year!
2019 is here with a bang; 365 new days with 365 new chances, right?
Here’s the thing about New Year’s resolutions though, no matter how silly it may seem, January really is the time for a do-over. It’s the perfect opportunity for fresh starts and new beginnings, yeah, a time to move forward… a kind of rebirth, if you will.
For some, making resolutions is all about managing and reducing stress, making life easier and getting more enjoyment from your home, your family, your job, and your friends. So, if one of your goals for 2019 is to get organised, you’re on the right track. Truth is, mess causes stress and your collection of stuff could be amping up your nervous system if you’re not careful.
So, capitalising on the time of the year when you feel most inspired to try new things Netflix dropped home decluttering priestess Marie Kondo’s new series Tidying Up on the 1st of January. Her books are international best sellers, in fact, her first, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, has sold over eight million copies!
According to this tiny, effervescent Japanese decluttering guru, only two skills are necessary to successfully put your house in order: the ability to keep what sparks joy and chuck the rest, and the ability to decide where to keep each thing you choose and always to put it back in its place. Those are the ground rules, simple!
A lot to accomplish? Is it even possible? The answer is “yes” of course! All you have to lose, is clutter.
We have a few pointers on how to reclaim your space:
Love it or lose it. If you haven’t used an item in the past year, or if it doesn’t bring you joy, chuck it.
Start small. Tackle one shelf, one drawer, or one corner of your desk. Baby steps lead to big changes.
Set a weekly 15-minute session to declutter small areas and keep your appointments.
Get rid of guilt items. Maybe there is an expectation for you to hold onto something, maybe you’ve spent a lot of money on it and feel that you should keep it. Get rid of financial or sentimental guilt.
Purge all duplicate items. Do you need multiple pairs of black jeans, or three pizza cutters?
Chuck items that represent a more ideal version of yourself. Your so called “thin clothes” or baking equipment you never use; only keep items that reflect who you are right now.
Putting your house in order positively affects all aspects of your life. Turns out the important thing in tidying up is not deciding what to discard, but rather what you want to keep in your life.
So, give yourself a head start. Make 2019 a more joy-filled, intentional year by parting with items that don’t spark joy.
Source: www.lifeiskulayful.com, www.travelground.com, www.oprah.com, www.shiftcomm.com, shantigeneration.com, www.huffingtonpost.com, pittsburgcitymomsblog.com, www.goodreads.com, tidyup.com, www.bustle.com, nancydepcik.com, www.onekingslane.com, organizedhome.com, www.lifehack.org, www.hgtv.com, www.becomingminimalist.com, www.budgetdumpster.com, theeverygirl.com, patch.com, www.youtube.com, hellobrownlow.com, www.cnbc.com, bookriot.com, ladydecluttered.com, www.wburg.org, themuse.jezbel.com, thetakeout.com, www.telegraph.co.uk