Paediatric support is a phone call away and it’s free!

Paediatric support is a phone call away and it’s free!

20 March 2019

Having babies and little children can be a scary experience at times. What do you do when they have a fever or get a runny tummy? When should you wait it out and when should you pack them off to the paediatrician?

For most of us who are not from a medical background, it can be hard to know what to do in everyday situations that are not quite emergencies, but that we don’t want to ignore either.

As such, we are pleased to bring all Fedhealth members with children under the age of three a great value-added service: the Paed-IQ BabyLine – your own telephonic advisory service that’s available 24/7 for any health-related childcare issues.

It’s that little bit of extra support parents often want and need, but don’t always know where to get.

Paed-IQ offers you expert advice from registered nurses with the service covering topics such as home care, clinic referral, primary care referral, GP referral and after hours care.

To access this service, simply call 0860 444 128 and keep your Fedhealth membership number on hand. A qualified nurse will answer your call.

Please give this valuable service a try next time you’re not sure what to do where your little one’s health is concerned. It’s just another way in which we are taking care of your growing family’s health.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms or need health advice, please consult a healthcare professional.

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