This is a big one mom and dad! You’re at the stage where you secretly wish child-rearing came with a manual, right? Maybe you’ve already dabbled in a few “less-than-successful” attempts in the potty training department, or maybe you are just clinging to the “no child is going to graduate high school in diapers” reassurance.
The good news is that spring can be a great time to help your tot master this eagerly anticipated childhood milestone. Truth is, the weather is warming up and getting rid of all those winter layers will make this process (and the laundry!) a bit easier. Also, your toddler will have accidents and he/she will be less uncomfortable during warmer weather.
So, are you ready? Potty training requires patience and energy. At some point there will be pee or poop on your carpet… yep, there will be puddle cleaning; all of this while you need to smile encouragingly and act as if it’s no problem whatsoever! If you and your partner aren’t up for it for whatever reason – a new job, a new baby, or if you’re experiencing marital stress – don’t feel bad about postponing.
Is your toddler ready? Every child is an individual, so don’t get stressed about your training pace. Most kids are ready for potty training around 18 to 24 months. If your child is often dry after naps, uncomfortable in soiled diapers and shows an interest in the bathroom, chances are that it’s time.
Physical signs of readiness will include the ability to sit, stand, and walk with ease. Motor skills to look out for will include the ability to pull his/her pants down or to remove the diaper independently. Your toddler must be able to follow simple instructions, and pee-pee and poop will most likely be common words.
If you’ve nodded your head to most of these milestones, your child may be ready for potty training!
We have a few tips from those who’ve been through it:
Equip your child for success. Take a trip to the store to buy a potty and fun “big-kid” underwear.
It’s a game. The more fun, the more they’ll try. Don’t make it a serious, unhappy experience, or they will pull away.
Give him/her ownership of the experience. Remind them regularly to keep their new underwear dry. They will have to come and tell you when they have to go. Trust your child to do that, even if you think they won’t – kids this age doesn’t like to be forced to do anything.
It’s all about the rewards! Whether it’s sweeties or giving a sticker every time he/she uses the potty. Sometimes a hug or high five is all the incentive they’ll need.
Heap on the praise. Make a big deal out of small successes. Even if they sit there without anything happening, praise them for trying.
All caregivers must be on the same page. Everyone caring for your “pooper-in-training” must agree on one strategy to achieve success.
Have a travel potty in your car. You never know when you’ll have a “I have to go NOW moment”.
Always keep things positive. Never show irritation.
Know when it’s time to take a break. Once you notice emotional distress, toilet training should be postponed for at least a month. When he/she refuses to participate in any activity, they’re not ready.
There will be days when it seems like everyone’s kid except yours is getting the hang of it. Hang in there! It’s going to be okay.
Look at us… all potty-trained successes!