With a few days to go before the Cape Town Marathon, it is now time to get your race day nutrition plan into gear. By Andrea du Plessis
On race-day, there will be plenty of water stations for good hydration during the run. Food is also available on the route, in the form of energy bars, sliced fruit, boiled potatoes and more!
However, if you need specific supplements to prevent muscle cramps, or if you prefer to take your own energy supplements, follow these guidelines.
Magnesium Tablets:
Race Day: 1 tablet before, 1 tablet during (about halfway) and 1 tablet after the race of 100-150 mg magnesium per tablet.
Arnica Tablets: (Traumeel tablets by Heel, available at pharmacies. You will not regret this!)
Day before: 4 tablets the day before the race, spread out through the day
Race day: 1 tablet before; 2 tablets during (at about the halfway mark); 1 tablet afterwards
Tip: If your running pants does not have pockets to store these tablets, pin a ziploc bag with your race-day tablets to the inside of your shirt, at the bottom where it is convenient to access.
During the marathon, energy foods are available on the route at select water stations. You can also pack your own snacks, provided you have a pocket in your running clothes in which to store them.
From the first hour into the marathon, eat something every hour to sustain your energy until the end.
Tip: Do not wait until you feel hungry, because your stomach may not be able to digest the food by that time, potentially leaving you with stomach cramps.
Examples: at least 1 energy syrup or a small energy bar per hour.
Tip: take an energy syrup at a water station and wash down 1 part energy syrup with 2 parts water. This improves the absorption.
If you cannot take energy syrups, look out for bananas, boiled potatoes and oranges on the route.
For more information, visit: http://www.capetownmarathon.com/ ; www.fedhealth.co.za
For any nutrition related questions, visit: www.facebook.com/andreaduplessis.nutrition.expert