Taking Care of Your Family

Taking Care of Your Family

11 April 2018

Wife, mom, daughter, sister? Which one of these hats are you wearing? Maybe all of them?

Most of us are caught up in a hectic whirlwind of activities which start on Monday morning, end on Sunday night, and then begin all over again! As chief cook and bottlewasher of the family, we juggle a myriad of things – husband, kids, work, parents, friends… the list is endless, right? A lot of the time it seems as if absolutely everything is important, and in the process, we often lose sight of how important family is.

So, how do we – amidst the madness – take care of our most precious asset?

Well, first things first. Have you ever wondered why the instructions on airline safety says, “Put on your oxygen mask first before helping your child or other passengers”? This cliché example shows that before you can take care of others, you must take care of yourself. You work hard, girl! So, take care of YOU. If your life is full of love and joy, it will be easier to share it with others.

Truth is, the love of a family is the greatest blessing. So, we have a few ideas on how to live in the here and now with those closest to you:

Put your marriage first. The greatest gift you can give your kids is to love their father. Tell him how proud you are of him. Text him, flirt with him and sit together with a glass of wine just talking. Always call when you’re running late and make sure to divide parental responsibilities so that neither feel overwhelmed.

Smile at them, simply because you’re happy to see them. Make sure that they feel loved and respected, and let them know that they make your life better.

Celebrate their successes. Show them that they matter by admiring their efforts and commending their work.

Show patience, even in your busiest moment.

Spend one-on-one time with your kids. Younger kids need attention all the time but try to make an effort with your older kids. Surprise them by leaving a note if you don’t have time to see them before you leave for work.

“Be kind whenever possible, it’s always possible” – Dalai Lama

Know when to offer space and respect boundaries.

Take their dreams and their fears seriously.

Be generous with compliments and careful with complaints.

Call your parents and keep traditions alive which are important to them.

Take care of their health and yours. It’s that time of the year. Take your family to get their flu vac. As a Fedhealth member you have a free flu vaccination benefit that is paid from Risk, not from your Savings. This means that you, and all your dependants, are entitled to a free vaccination every year.

Remember, every day you’ll have the opportunity to show your family how much you care, and, on some days, you’ll have many opportunities.

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family” – Mother Theresa

Source: www.spiritbutton.com, brightdrops.com, www.stevenaitchison.co.uk, yourhealth.augustahealth.org, kaboutjie.com, www.familiesforlife.sgwww.parents.comwww.drroopleen.comwww.onetoughjob.orgwww.bartleby.comwww.beliefnet.com

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms or need health advice, please consult a healthcare professional.

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