The dentistry benefits offered on Fedhealth’s flexiFED options enable our members to maintain optimal dental health and prevent serious issues before they arise. From preventative care to basic dentistry needs, our options provide coverage for essential procedures such as X-rays, scaling, polishing, fillings, root canals, extractions and even dentures.
Download the brochures below to find out more detail about the specific benefits and how they are covered:
The preventative dentistry benefit on flexiFED 1
The basic dentistry benefit on flexiFED 2
The basic dentistry benefit on flexiFED 3
Dentistry on myFED
On the myFED option, members have a basic dentistry benefit that covers the removal of teeth and roots, and the suturing of traumatic wounds. Oral medical procedures: diagnosis and treatment of oral and associated conditions, plastic dentures and dental technician’s fees for all such dentistry. Members must use a provider from our contracted list of dentists, and are limited to a list of approved procedures, dental tariff codes and protocols. Plastic dentures are limited to one set per beneficiary every two years.
Dentistry on the maxiFED options
On both maxima EXEC and maxima PLUS,a basic dentistry benefit is paid from Savings, OHEB (maxima PLUS only) and Threshold. It’s unlimited once the Threshold level is reached.
An advanced dentistry benefit of R8 270 per beneficiary per year, and R24 700 per family per year before and after Threshold is also available on these options. It covers inlays, crowns, bridges, mounted study models, metal base partial dentures, oral surgery, orthodontic treatment, periodontists, prosthodontists and dental technicians. This benefit is paid from Savings, OHEB (maxima PLUS only) and Threshold.