Rich Maternity Benefits

Rich Maternity Benefits

Welcoming a new life into the world is one of the most precious moments.

On Fedhealth, maternity benefits are option dependent (although not available on flexiFEDSavvy) and you can find out more details in this document and below. Depending on your chosen Fedhealth medical aid plan, you could look forward to the following benefits during your pregnancy:

  • 2D antenatal scans
  • Ante- and postnatal consultations with a midwife, network GP or gynaecologist
  • Antenatal classes
  • Amniocentesis

We also encourage all moms-to-be to sign up for our FREE Fedhealth Baby Programme and enjoy great support along their pregnancy journey:

  • Healthy Pregnancy workshop (before 26 weeks of pregnancy): A live class held via Zoom with loads of interaction, questions and answers; members who attend receive a birth or yoga ball
  • A 24-hour baby advice line
  • A lovely Fedhealth baby bag filled with baby goodies like a baby blanket and discount vouchers
  • Weekly emails with information based on pregnancy milestones for mom-to-be and her partner
  • Ongoing check-ins to ensure mom-to-be is doing well, as well as postnatal follow-up in case mom or baby needs special recommendations
  • Cover for a doula (birth coach during natural labour) up to R3 500 to assist in birth planning, attend the birth to help mom-to-be achieve her birth wishes, and a post-birth visit to check on mom and baby.

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