Understanding Fedhealth’s 30-day upgrade benefit

Understanding Fedhealth’s 30-day upgrade benefit

26 May 2023

Fedhealth is the only scheme that allows members to upgrade to a higher option within 30 days of a life-changing event diagnosis, such as a pregnancy or serious illness like cancer.

On any other scheme, the member will simply have to wait until the end of the year for the renewal period in order to upgrade and access more extensive benefits.

This is one of Fedhealth’s most special benefits, designed to give members the peace of mind that, whatever curveball (or blessing) life throws at them, they at least have the choice to upgrade to a higher option that can more adequately cover their new status quo.

But it is important to stress that the 30-day upgrade benefit Rule specifically states that upgrades will be permitted within 30 days of the diagnosis of the life-changing event, not when the treatment plan has been approved, since this can take considerably longer. Members cannot wait for the treatment plan before determining whether or not they need to upgrade; on diagnosis the member should upgrade.

In order to protect the Scheme from anti-selection, Fedhealth is very strict about the application of the upgrade.

In conclusion, the takeout for you as broker is this: Please make sure that your Fedhealth clients understand that should they be diagnosed with a life-changing event, the very first thing they should do is upgrade to a higher option. If it turns out that they don’t need the extra treatment, they can always downgrade at year end again.

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