As everyone looks to reduce their monthly expenses, you may be wondering if you really need a medical aid plan and if so, which type you need. Should you take out a hospital plan to cover procedures in hospital, or does your family situation mean that you need comprehensive cover with day-to-day benefits? One type of medical aid plan is not necessarily better than the other – it’s all about your circumstances and which option would suit you better.
The reality is that private medical aid treatment in South Africa is hugely expensive. And the alternative – public healthcare – cannot guarantee you consistent high-quality care, as our public healthcare systems are under severe strain.
Getting medical treatment from a private provider if you’re ill or in an accident can end up costing thousands of rands, though. This is the main reason that you need to have a medical aid plan. Belonging to a medical aid will mean that you can avoid having to pay large unexpected sums of money out of your own pocket, should you need medical help.
If you’re admitted to hospital, these costs could include things like:
- The hospital fee
- The anaesthetist’s fees
- The doctor’s or specialist’s fees
- Any take-home medication you may need afterwards
A hospital plan means that you’ll be covered for the majority of these costs (typically in full if you use providers within your medical aid network). Comprehensive medical aid plans give you even more coverage for medical treatment outside of being admitted to hospital, for things like monthly medication, seeing the GP or a specialist for a check-up, having x-rays or other diagnostic tests done.
You can also take out a medical aid plan that has a savings portion attached (called a medical savings account or MSA). This is a portion of your monthly contribution that your medical scheme saves for you on your behalf, which you can then use for any medical-related expenses, such as if your child needs to visit the GP with the flu, for example. This helps you budget a bit better, as you won’t suddenly have to cover these expenses out of your own pocket.
Overall, having a medical aid plan is really important if you want to get immediate access to high-quality practitioners, treatment and medical facilities, to keep the health of you and your family in the best state possible.