Don’t start that new job with a

Get Savvy and save!
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flexiFEDSavvy from Fedhealth solves the headache of medical aid costs while you’re climbing the career ladder.

As a member of the digital generation who’s starting a new job in January, making ends meet is probably tough enough – especially after the holidays. We feel you…
From just R1 055p/m for a main member (the most affordable hospital plan for career-starters in SA, despite what others claim online 😀 ) our flexiFEDSavvy hospital plan is definitely one to consider.
flexiFEDSavvy gives you fully-fledged medical aid that includes:

Unlimited private network hospital cover

Unlimited virtual GP visits

3 in-person GP visits

Virtual mental wellness benefit

Female contraceptives paid from Risk

The choice to access day-to-day back-up savings should you need it