Financials Roadshow presentation

Financials Roadshow presentation

31 July 2023

We are pleased to share Fedhealth’s Financials Roadshow presentation with you. Jeremy Yatt, Fedhealth’s Principal Officer, was recorded during his session at The Forum in Bryanston on 22 June 2023.

Chapter 1 – Membership

Jeremy sets the scene with regards to Fedhealth’s membership numbers – seen against the backdrop of the economic climate in South Africa and other factors impacting not only Fedhealth in particular, but also the healthcare industry in the country.

Watch Chapter 1:

Chapter 2 – Scheme financials

Whilst Fedhealth recorded a deficit in 2022, Jeremy explains why this isn’t of particular concern to the Scheme, taking into consideration the fact that it maintains its AA- Global Credit Rating for the 17th consecutive year, and boasts reserves of 42.6% that’s well above the required 25%.

Watch Chapter 2:

Chapter 3 – Product design and benefit richness

Fedhealth launched a very affordable hospital plan for under-35s towards the end of 2022. Through this plan, flexiFEDSavvy, the Scheme hopes to attract a younger, healthier and digitally savvy membership base. Innovations like these, and of course, the benefit richness of Fedhealth’s product offering, is what will stand the Scheme in good stead in future.

Watch Chapter 3:

Chapter 4 – Intelligene

In the final chapter, Jeremy discusses Fedhealth’s exciting partnership with Intelligene, a South African medical bio-tech company that specialises in genetic testing. This collaboration hopes to ensure better health outcomes for all Fedhealth members, and Fedhealth is proud to be one of the first open medical schemes in South Africa to offer precision medicine-based genetic testing directly to its members.

Watch Chapter 4:

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