With SA’s most affordable medical aid
for the digital generation
With SA’s most affordable medical aid for the digital generation
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perfect medical aid fit?
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You may be young and just starting your career, but you still needaffordable medical aid that delivers, right?
You may be young and just starting your career, but you still needaffordable medical aid that delivers, right?
Fedhealth couldn’t agree more, which is why we created flexiFEDSavvy for healthy, digitally savvy under-35’s. flexiFEDSavvy is a hospital plan that offers you valuable benefits like unlimited virtual GP visits (no sick people coughing on you in the doc’s waiting room, thanks very much!) and a virtual mental wellness benefit.
Fedhealth couldn’t agree more, which is why we created flexiFEDSavvy for healthy, digitally savvy under-35’s. flexiFEDSavvy is a hospital plan that offers you valuable benefits like unlimited virtual GP visits (no sick people coughing on you in the doc’s waiting room, thanks very much!) and a virtual mental wellness benefit.
From just R965pm, flexiFEDSavvy gives you fully-fledged medical aid that includes:
From just R965pm, flexiFEDSavvy gives you fully-fledged medical aid that includes:

Unlimited private network hospital cover

Female contraceptives paid from Risk

Upgrade any time within 30 days of a severe diagnosis