Do you find yourself constantly thinking that you are not thin enough, that your job isn’t good enough … that you aren’t whatever enough? We know we do, and we bet you do too!
It seems like “accepting yourself” only comes naturally to those who have it all – the killer body, the beautiful home, the perfect partner, and a career that you can only dream of. If only you had all that, you’d finally be good enough, right? WRONG, because even if you had all that and you don’t truly accept yourself now, you will always want something more.
It’s so easy to get caught up in others’ expectations and Facebook posts of “perfect” lives. Yeah, we are an obsessive icon-type of culture, constantly comparing ourselves to what we think other people have or are.
Truthfully, we all live within moments of self-doubt – its human nature. And yes, we often forget that our constant comparison to others and the crazy amount of pressure we as human beings put on ourselves to achieve perfection, is an unrealistic (and frankly, boring) ideal.
Self-respect, self-love, self-worth … There’s a reason they all start with “self”. You can’t receive them from anyone else. So, earn the respect from others by having the audacity to respect yourself and recognise your own value.
Forget what everyone else is doing and achieving; you are walking your own path. Life is all about breaking your own limits to live YOUR best life.
So, if you’re giving life your best but are still constantly beating yourself up by thinking that you should be more, do more or be better; know that you are exactly in the right place today to get to where you want to be tomorrow.
Here are a few tips to help you feel “good enough” (because you are):
- Never compare yourself to others. If you want something to compare yourself by, compare who you were yesterday to who you are today.
- Break the cycle. Accept yourself for who you are, with strengths and weaknesses; as a beautiful individual.
- Celebrate your successes, even the small ones. Don’t wait for life to get perfect.
- Celebrate other people’s successes, but don’t let it dampen yours.
- Create a list of accomplishments and review it often.
- Every day brings a choice. You are responsible for your own happiness; choose happiness.
- Failures are just lessons to learn from. No day is wasted if you live it with purpose and presence. Value and enjoy the journey, even the detours.
- Your approval is the only one that matters. Stop focusing on what’s wrong, focus on what’s right!
- Reminisce about your life from an objective perspective, and recognise how much you’ve overcome and accomplished. You are a warrior!
- Never dwell on the past, you can change the future.
- Don’t take yourself or life too seriously. Dare to have fun. “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly” – GK Chesterton
Remember, sometimes the hardest part of the journey is simply believing you’re worthy of the trip.