Much is written about how hard parenting is, and how challenging it is to be a mother these days, with all the demands made on us in terms of family, work life, technology and society. But amidst all of this, women choose to become mothers, generation after generation, following an instinct that runs through our veins.
So perhaps it’s important to dwell on those good moments as a mother, the moments that make you remember why you did all of this in the first place, those times filled with wonder that you are a mom and you are taking care of another little life. Here are 6 mom moments that we guarantee will fill a parent’s memory bank for the rest of their years:
The moment you meet your child for the first time
Whether it’s finally having them laid on your chest after 10 hours of labour, or whether you meet your baby via adoption, you’ll never forget that first moment you held them in your arms. Maybe they grabbed on your finger with their tiny hand or they snuggled into your neck, but your heart connected with this perfect human being and you knew nothing would ever be the same.
When they first say your name
Some babies say other words first (Dada is a fairly common first word!) but when they do finally say Mama, you’ll be won over in an instant and willing to for anything for them. And while you may feel instant wonder when you hear those words first uttered, you may feel different a year later when they are shouting for you every instant and you can’t get a minute’s peace!
When they take their first steps
There’s a reason many parenting adverts focus on a baby’s first steps – it’s a momentous occasion that you’ll want to remember. But the truth is that learning to walk is a slow process and one they perfect over a number of days – not something they suddenly learn in an instant. Still, once they learn to walk, your role as a parent suddenly gets much more challenging as they become independent little things who want to explore their worlds.
When they head off to play school
Equal parts wonder and sadness may mix together in this moment as your little one shows how independent they are and that they can manage just fine without being around you 24/7. But it’s a good thing as they start to make friends, learn new skills, and see the world anew – and you’ll marvel at their progress as they return home singing nursery rhymes or clutching their latest crayon creation.
When their vocabulary explodes
One minute it’s simply “deh” (there), baba and “nana” (banana), and the next they’re saying a handful of full new words daily. It’s incredible to see how rapidly they learn, plus watch how delighted they are at knowing they can finally communicate and explain what it is they want and how they’re feeling.
When they learn to read
A little further down the parenting line, but no less wonderful, is when they start to pick up books and read out aloud. They’ll go from learning phonics to stringing letters together, to reading stories, and suddenly a whole new magical world is opened up to them.
These are some of the bigger parenting moments filled with wonder, because we can’t mention all the smaller moments that get jam packed into a single day. Those moments when a little hand slips into yours, when they whisper that they love you, or when they draw their first picture of your family. Try and be still in those moments and absorb them, because they pass all too quickly. Being a mother is challenging and exhausting but the wonderful moments certainly outweigh the difficult ones – and sometimes it’s good to remind ourselves of that fact.