Decoding Baby’s Body Language

Decoding Baby’s Body Language

22 July 2024

The first few weeks after bringing baby home from the hospital can be intense. It’s exciting and terrifying, all at the same time. If only there was a manual, right?!

This “job” comes with fantastic benefits, but also with a lot of uncertainty. Newborns are fascinating, mysterious creatures. And as a new mama, deciphering her needs can feel a lot like cracking a complex code. But beneath the coos – and the heart wrenching cries – your little one is constantly communicating important information about her well-being.

By learning to read your baby’s cues, you can respond with sensitivity and ensure that her needs are met, promoting a strong bond and healthy development. Most of your baby’s cues will be unique to her, but this common baby language is shared by babies around the world:

Arching Back

If she’s protesting with a little gusto, it might indicate that you’ve missed earlier cues. If baby does so in the middle of a feed, it could mean that she doesn’t want to be fed any longer. This could also be a reaction to pain due to gas, acid reflux, colic, or frustration. Try to calm her down by gently patting her back or rocking her.


This is perfectly normal and usually happens when babies eat too much or gulp down too much air while eating (something you may see when the nipple on her bottle is too large, or she finds herself dealing with a gush of milk while nursing). Hiccups aren’t harmful and will go away on their own. Ensure proper burping and address any breast feeding latch issues.

Grabbing Ears

Don’t immediately assume that this quals an ear infection. Most of the time your baby has just realised that they have ears. However, keep an eye out for a stuffy nose, fever, or if she has trouble sleeping at night. Also, babies that are teething often grab their ears.

Head Thumping

This can be baby’s way of lulling herself to sleep. According to Tanya Altmann, MD and author of Baby & Toddler Basics, it is nothing to worry about; in fact, studies show that up to 15% of healthy babies do it.

Scrunched Up Knees

This position is usually a sign of abdominal discomfort, either from having gas, passing a bowel movement, or being constipated.

Turning Her Head Away

Babies turn their heads away when they’ve had enough; when they don’t want to be fed any more or when they’re done being entertained. Allow her to enjoy some downtime or a nap.

Kicking legs

You may very well have a future soccer player on your hands, and if she’s happy and smiling, it’s probably as sign that she wants to play. Kicking doesn’t always have meaning, sometimes babies kick simply because they can. However, if she has an uncomfortable facial expression, it can indicate that she’s tired or have a stomach ache.

Sucking On Her Fingers

If baby puts her fist in her mouth and turns her head to the side looking to find the breast or bottle, she’s probably hungry. Sucking her fingers could also mean that she is self-soothing before dozing off.

So, new mama, when you’re up in the wee hours of the morning with your tiny baby, allow yourself to feel the sweetness and the wonder of that little person who depends on you for everything right now. You’ve got this!


DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms or need health advice, please consult a healthcare professional.

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